
Showing posts from November, 2021

The weird thing of being alive

Sorry! Long time no see! I am back with another mindless, unrefined and  unstructured thoughts on mine.  This post is going to be more about an 'off the shore' rant about how humans perceive life and how the actuality of life exists in its true sense.  Sounds boring? Cause it probably is....but if you haven't clicked away yet....what you can really takeaway from this post is a sense of realness and a 'not so unique' perspective on the nature of human existence. The way that humans pass through existence is pretty unique. We use the output of multiple senses and process these images for better understanding of the world. Sometimes the things we think are conscious, or may be unconscious. We cannot differentiate between inputs that can make sense and things that don't make sense in itself. Take dreams for example, we don't realize that we are in a dream until there is something amiss or wrong with the entire logic of events. In that sense, we can't differe...