The weird thing of being alive

Sorry! Long time no see! I am back with another mindless, unrefined and  unstructured thoughts on mine. 

This post is going to be more about an 'off the shore' rant about how humans perceive life and how the actuality of life exists in its true sense. 

Sounds boring? Cause it probably is....but if you haven't clicked away yet....what you can really takeaway from this post is a sense of realness and a 'not so unique' perspective on the nature of human existence.

The way that humans pass through existence is pretty unique. We use the output of multiple senses and process these images for better understanding of the world. Sometimes the things we think are conscious, or may be unconscious. We cannot differentiate between inputs that can make sense and things that don't make sense in itself.

Take dreams for example, we don't realize that we are in a dream until there is something amiss or wrong with the entire logic of events. In that sense, we can't differentiate between dreams and reality based on "sensory input" but based on logicality of the reality. But, if the person is able to be conscious while he's dreaming and realize the reality of the dream, then he's in the process of 'lucid dreaming' This has been known to our ancients since a long time and it's only recently that we have started conducting scientific analysis on it.

 But sometimes, we sleep without dreaming anything right? Isn't it more like you are dead for a while? Sure, your brain works in the background, but consciously you won't feel, see, think anything. On that sense it is more like death. There is an awesome video on that. Check it out.

But enough about dreams, let's get back to reality. The weird thing about existence is that everything is permitted. Whatever is not permitted is not allowed by the laws of nature. For example, a person can't won't be able to travel to space without a spaceship or escaping the gravity of earth without spending enough on fuel and materials like in rockets. You can think about travelling to space all you want.... But you can't. Period.

On the other hand, murder is by all means possible. Does it make it moral? No. But it is certainly possible. Hence nature allows for all possibilities at any given moment of time. I dunno what this theory of reality is defined by, but this is definitely a unique perspective that many people actually came up originally. Maybe a nihilistic one, but a one that should be considered. The motto or the game 'Assassin's Creed' also makes sense:

 "Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted”

It is an interesting take on reality. Maybe we'll realize that true nature of reality and find ways to bend the rules of reality. Maybe humanity will go extinct before we ever find out the answer. Only time will tell. Hope I gave you some food for thoughts. Have fun thinking!


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