Crumbled Greatness
We all know how the influence of great people of the past presents itself on the younger generation. Whether it be Pythagoras in giving us the Pythagorean theorem, or Nicholas Copernicus to introduce us to the heliocentric model of the universe, great men have always held a shining light for budding scientists and researchers.
Even in our modern culture, there will always be an "Einstein of the class" in every standard, also "Newton" who always gives these deep( but boring) thoughts. Generally no one knows any "geniuses" who are currently living except in rare cases( like Stephen Hawking, who also passed a few years back). This is because people are not recognized for who they were and what they did, but what they actually contributed to science.
These men and women produced breakthroughs in science in their times, which absolutely blew most of other scientists minds. For example, take Madam Curie for her breakthroughs in radioactivity, or Nikolas Tesla for his concept of AC current. These people broke boundaries in science and had really discovered cool stuff.
But what if those people lived in current age? What if Newton and Einstein lived in the same city, hell had houses side by side? What if the greatest people of the past were to live with greatest people of the present?
For our hypothetical example let us assume that both Newton who discovered the "Law of Gravitation" and Calculus and Einstein who discovered "General and Special Relativity" lived in the same time in the world. As history says, the concepts of Relativity came after the law of Gravitation and Newton's laws were a consequence of Einstein's relativity. Let us assume that Newton had already published his theory of gravity and Einstein was yet not famous.
I think that at this point of time, due to the immense popularity of Newton, Einstein would have been intimidated to publish against Newton. He would be kind of scared about what would happen if Newton decided to throw shit at him. Hence there would be a possibility that Einstein would never have become a genius he is now known as.
Einstein is considered one of the geniuses of the 20th century, just like Newton the 17th century. Though both contributions of Newton and Einstein cannot be compared, there was a chance that Einstein wouldn't have shined out and proved his brilliance like he did, if both existed at the same time.
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