The Universe Doesn't care about us

 Yeah, yeah.....I know the title is kinda overstated and I might look like some random punk guy trying to be this young guy with rebellious attitude and saying this to anyone, but these are just pure thoughts of mine ( which is hugely influenced by where I spend my time online) which I would like to put out.

I am sure that many people have already spoke and written about this single idea of mine, but this post  is going to be about my experience on how I understood it. This post doesn't offer a conclusion or thought process that you can hold on to, but it shines a light over a perspective I have to offer.

Consider an average person. He is born in a middle class family. He is smart, ambitious wants to make his mark on the world. When he was 25, while visiting a fairly secluded temple, he walks into a beautiful orchid which was pretty reserve and undisturbed for a long time. There was a huge boulder in the middle. The man, being frustrated with his entire life until now, decides to change...he carves "I will visit you, Oh Great Rock in 30 years, let me show you that my ambition stands the test of time..... just like you do.." on the rock with the date and year .Then he returns home. 

He works hard, makes a lot of money, fame , ambition over the years. Gets married, has a family ,retires from his business. All in all, 30 years pass. As promised, the man returns to the same rock in the temple. Though the temple is abandoned now, the rock completely covered by wines, he could still make out what he had written. The man who was young and powerful when he wrote it was now old and frail. The boulder on the other hand.....remained exactly the same. He feels happy that he achieved his goal, returns back home and dies a peaceful death a few decades later.
Coming to my point, do you think the man fulfilled his ambitions, became great because he wrote on that bolder? Is the boulder someway responsible for his success even in a very small way? 
I say no....the boulder has no feelings of its own. It just doesn't give a shit whether you were a success in human life or not.
You might think, "but he made an impact on the's going to stay forever". No, it won't. Just like all things change....even mountains get reduced to sand over time. The boulder "served" as motivation to the man who wanted to change his life. But itself in its own way, doesn't give a shit. 
It doesn't matter if you turn out to be Newton, or the guy who invented the internet, it doesn't matter. 
You are just a pinch of organic dust situated on a rock that looks like a pale blue dot orbiting a giant ball of gas....all in the middle of nothing. Humanity as a whole could just get wiped out by an asteroid. But the universe wouldn't care. It exists and will keep existing a looong time( I mean...very very long!) after we are gone. As Taylor Durden from the movie 'Fight Club' says:

“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”

Considering all these things, I can't help but feel a pinch of gratitude to the universe. I can't help but feel a little better for just having been born in the 21st century. This feeling washes over me every time I see a peaceful garden, the chirp of a bird, the sound of waves crashing. So I just like to say thanks to the universe. For everything. Even though, you are not even a semblance of a conscious being other than an enormous combination of mathematical laws, thank you.

I know this post is not the normal kind of things I have done till now( I know.....only six posts?) but it felt good putting this out. It won't make a difference. It won't cure HIV, it won't reduce world poverty, it's not a solution to world's just a random blog post of an insignificant being.
That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading.


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