The First Post

 Hey random reader. You have decided to enter an online cave of stupidity, naivetes and maybe.....just maybe some interesting stuff. Please don't expect me to follow "language of etiquette" here, because I am one of those guys who doesn't care about how something looks, as long it conveys the idea.

I am what you could call a internet buff. I live on the internet. It is a dangerous, yet beautiful place. I prefer to compare the internet to the peak of a mountain.... it is beautiful up there . Yet a small misstep could plummet you to death. 

All of the information I write and I will write are mostly influenced by various personalities on the internet. What you can expect in this blogsite is my various takes on how the world works. The small things that people miss out. I will take you through a mind of a early 20s procrastinator.

My aim in writing these blog posts are to reach out to people who have similar ideas that I have , and also to influence people who don't have those ideas , an introduction to my perspective. Sometimes I feel the need to speak scream into the void about how things are. This is just an extension of that. I will speak about philosophy, physics, mathematics, psychology, political theory and many more. I do not claim that these blogs will be mind-bending and original. But, it is a part of me and part of who I least for now.

I have been on this earth many years to know that nothing lasts. So though I would probably change my writing style and what I write about, I would expect you, the reader to know that , I too am a human. I too will change with time.

I do not expect many people to read this, they could just dismiss this as some random internet asshole's post. But if you make it through and are able to truly get an idea of what I am saying, I will be satisfied. It will be my teeny tiny mark upon an infinite uncaring universe.

I am what many people call a pseudo-intellectual....I don't know anything I am talking about. Yes...I can speak about existentialism, structuralism, post-structuralism and many other philosophical concepts that I read off the internet, but I just have a surface level understanding of it. The only good thing this will do is to get you to think about the ideas I speak about, to let you know that something exists. If you are dissatisfied with what I write here, your own research and then come correct me.... I am happy to be wronged. It provides a chance for growth. Maybe this will become some meme material( Maybe, who knows xD) but I will be unconcerned by it.

Yes, I am naïve, I am brash, but not stupid, no one is stupid...they are just misguided. All have the chance and ability to change. Change is the only constant in life. Anyways, this post was just to show the people who are going to read this in the future about how my writing style is and how I am. There is no serious content in this blogpost. This was about me and me only. In the future it is going to be about crazy topics that exist out in the world, and the effect it has on us.

Anyways, that's all for this post. Be sure to linger around for more stuff if you like this stuff. Have fun. It's a great big world out there.  


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