To a new year!

As a whole month of this new year is finally coming to an end, we can revisit  our resolutions and thoughts and plans we formed for this year.

Did you follow it? Were you able to keep with your expectations? I hope so, because I'm about to propose something that might hurt your feelings.😁

The "new year resolution", is a peculiarly interesting idea which has a nice history. But it is of my opinion that this new year resolution thing is something only humans do but not animals. Yeah , sure animals have no concept of  "self-improvement', or even a self for that matter, but they really don't think the way we do. It's an interesting idea to think if your cat makes a new year's resolution such as "I'm going to be more responsive to my owner this year " xD

But all in all though it might a good thing for mental health of an individual, but as a social etiquette, it is pretty weak. I’m sure that many people around the world think the same way. But is it really that evil?  Maybe not. But I sure as hell don’t like them. 

"Why" you might ask? People don’t make the grandest of resolutions or the most meaningful things….but they do very small inconsequential goals. ‘Lose weight’ or ‘Drink Less alcohol’ or something like that.

Sure this may help in the person in reaching his personal goals, but wouldn’t it be something better……..if the person could think in much higher abstract terms?

But whatever…. I don’t mean to explain what ‘higher abstract terms’ are, because that is a subjective association and should be found out by quoted by Nietzsche.  Maybe a deep psychological self analysis will lead you to that. In that sense, we have to do more hard working thinking and rediscovering our inner self while forming the resolutions than while actually executing them. It might sound like overthinking, but it will surely give some good perspective on life.

I had a lot of fun and insight reading into resolutions of many people on this thread. Hope it was a good read.

I know this wasn’t much of a post and didn’t give out any solid ideas to be food for thought. This was just an amalgamation of some things that I wanted to put out. This was just to give a newer perspective on the age old topic of  'New Year Resolutions'. 

But I hope y'all have a good year!


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