
An End to the Playful Blog

 Hey y'all ! I guess it has been a long time, ( at least for me) before I wrote a post again. So, its that time, where I would have to say adieu to my cool readers! Though I write shit content, you guys read it, even though you could have spent your time doing something more useful ( but thanks anyways ppl!). I didn't want to go incommunicado without saying a big goodbye! I won't be writing any more posts as of  now. There have been some crazy ass changes in my life. But this entire "blog-about-random-stuff" period of life, was interesting...I learnt a lot ! I know there are a lot of topics I could talk about, a lot of unfinished topics and ideas. But I'm putting an end to any of that. It's a little sad, but maybe in the future, I'll start writing again! One thing, was....this shit was awesome! Openly screaming to the world and not caring a bit about what it meant! It  was awesome to express myself. These series of posts serve as a reminder about the t...

At the Heels of Gods

I was recently watching many superhero shows like “The Boys” and “Invincible” and boy…the are crazy shows! These shows truly show the brutality of what it means to be a hero. Not a benevolent saviour, but a man cursed to live forever with his powers. Let me start with a simple question…. What happens when you get everything you ever wanted? Well, it is not so simple, is it? The sheer magnitude of personal goals and dreams on this planet is more than enough to saturate one’s mind. One might want to live a quiet life on the Himalayas, isolated from the rest of the world, whereas another person might be thinking of living dangerously on Proxima b ( a planet of Alpha Centauri AB , our nearest star), to live life at the edge and push human boundaries. Well, to satisfy most goals of the world, what if, I ( the thunderous lord! xD) gave you complete power that made you a “super” human. You would have great strength ( rationally, I would say….good enough to lift the weight of Mt. Everest) , su...


Hello y'all, 'is been a long time since I last wrote(xD) .Well, this is off the season rant about nothingness and boringness, and how the time passes. I recently re-watched an old classic, " Saving Private Ryan " and watched a new one ( not technically new, but newer compared to the former), " The Hurt Locker ". Both these movies are related to war, and given the context that the Russo-Ukrainian War is going on right now, I could relate to those young soldiers out there and I made a lot of insights. There is not much background music in both the movies, which aimed to show the raw, brutal, unfaithfulness of war. I can’t seem to get ahead of the fact that sometimes, we humans are totally weird and murderous, but other times we are peaceful and creative. This kind of duality makes me think about who I am and how I should look at my identity as a human being. See, I am not against war or something. Wars are a part of human nature that has been happening fo...

The Parallelism of Life

You guys must be thinking, "Hmmm....what a weird title?". So, to clarify, I think this is based on a common experience that everyone has, and has probably wondered about sometime in the life. If you haven't and this is completely new to you, have this for food for thought! So, basically, I was thinking how most of us live our lives , eating, reading ,suffering, entertaining and pleasuring ourselves over the course of around 80 years, and how it came to be. Some of us plan to achieve great things, maybe become "great", others....(like meπŸ˜‚) live 'lives of quite desperation'. We strive, and keep on striving to achieve one thing or the next, whether it be money, status, kids, etc, etc. During our childhood we are mostly dictated on developing and having fun times with friends, in our young adulthood, we are mostly concerned with achieving status and getting the right life partner. During our middle age, it is about family and health management. When senesce...

To a new year!

As a whole month of this new year is finally coming to an end, we can revisit  our resolutions and thoughts and plans we formed for this year. Did you follow it? Were you able to keep with your expectations? I hope so, because I'm about to propose something that might hurt your feelings.😁 The "new year resolution", is a peculiarly interesting idea which has a nice history.  But it is of my opinion that this new year resolution thing is something only humans do but not animals. Yeah , sure animals have no concept of  "self-improvement', or even a self for that matter, but they really don't think the way we do. It's an interesting idea to think if your cat makes a new year's resolution such as "I'm going to be more responsive to my owner this year " xD But all in all though it might a good thing for mental health of an individual, but as a social etiquette, it is pretty weak. I’m sure that many people around the world think the same way. ...

Thoughts about Sleeplessness

 Hey, I know it's been a long, long time since I last posted anything. But this post is going to one of the last posts of the year 2021. Ciao 2021 ! This post is going to be a rant about a few observations of mine about sleeplessness and how it affects your mental wellbeing as a whole. So there are obviously some myths and some pre conceptions about being sleepless. Some of them are true, but most of them have not been experienced by us. There was even a crazy urban myth about " The Russian Sleep Experiment " but I think it is a sham. The technical for not able to fall asleep is called insomnia. And...this is not a new thing, it was there since our ancestors were present. There are multiple documentations of sleeplessness from times unknown.  We have not been truly sleepless. Yes sure, we lose about 5- 10 hours of sleep but no longer. Usually, it doesn't cause not any physical problem to a person, but more the deterioration of the brain which is not a good thing. But ...

The weird thing of being alive

Sorry! Long time no see! I am back with another mindless, unrefined and  unstructured thoughts on mine.  This post is going to be more about an 'off the shore' rant about how humans perceive life and how the actuality of life exists in its true sense.  Sounds boring? Cause it probably is....but if you haven't clicked away yet....what you can really takeaway from this post is a sense of realness and a 'not so unique' perspective on the nature of human existence. The way that humans pass through existence is pretty unique. We use the output of multiple senses and process these images for better understanding of the world. Sometimes the things we think are conscious, or may be unconscious. We cannot differentiate between inputs that can make sense and things that don't make sense in itself. Take dreams for example, we don't realize that we are in a dream until there is something amiss or wrong with the entire logic of events. In that sense, we can't differe...